Saturday, January 22, 2011

Types of membership.

There shall be 2 classes of membership via:
a) Executive Member.
b) Ordinary Member.

The Executive Membership is reserved for ex-students who are already currently serving the school in their capacity as CCA leaders or in any other means. They could be serving as volunteer adult leaders in their Uniformed Group CCA or as senior serving members of the Clubs and Societies or as Sports Coaches for their Sports CCA. All UGs must have a minimum of 2 ex-students helping their UG and registered with the Alumni Association.

The Executive Committee (Exco) of the AlumKnights Association will be elected only from this group of Executive Members.

The Ordinary Membership of the Association will be for all other interested ex-students of the school who wish to be part of the AlumKnights and serve on an Ad-Hoc basis in its programmes. They will not be elected into the Executive Committee of the Association.

All members of the Association are required to purchase the AlumKnights t shirt. They will wear the AlumKnights t-shirt when they report to school for service. When reporting for duty in their CCA, they will be reminded not to wear their CCA t shirt that is the same as the student body less they be mistaken as
students of the school.


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